
Mother’s Day Bouquet

Mother’s Day delivered to your door! We have teamed up with our friends at Daniel Events to offer you an opportunity to purchase a hand tied, long stem, fresh from the farm, colorful bouquet of Spring mixed florals- a designers choice (Note- The assortment will vary depending on best quality available It may not look exactly like the photo). They will be delivered to your door with your Meal Delivery this coming Sunday at no additional delivery cost! Choose between three sizes! You MUST be home or leave a watered vase on your door step to accept these flowers. Minimum food order must be $50 prior to flower purchase. *No discounts applicable*

Mother’s Day delivered to your door! We have teamed up with our friends at Daniel Events to offer you an opportunity to purchase a hand tied, long stem, fresh from the farm, colorful bouquet of Spring mixed florals- a designers choice.

Minimum food order must be $50 prior to flower purchase. 

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

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