Meals by chef B has impacted
My life for the better in more ways than one. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder accompanying resistant candidiasis & gut dysbiosis. I could barely get up to do much of anything, even to taking a shower took great effort and exhausted me completely. I was unable to prepare food, much less shop and cook the specific foods I needed to adhere to my anti inflammatory diet (which included none of my favorite foods). I had NO idea how I ever going to heal when most delivery services had many preservatives & ingredients that were off limits!! THANK GOD I came across Meals by chef B. This service totally met me where I was at showing compassion and customization to my meal plan!! I don’t know of any other company that not only delivers right to you, but has the knowledge, skills, & ability to customize FRESH great tasting food gut friendly foods for those who are limited!! Chef B‘s food presentation is above and beyond Instagram worthy and makes people like me (a very picky eater) actually enjoy and look forward to every bite!! After a few months of stellar nutrition and probiotics, I began to feel stronger and more functional. In my next doctor visit I received the new blood work which (FREAKING DRUM ROLL…)showed I had completed reversed all antibody indicators & everything was in its NORMAL RANGE!!! No way will I ever be without Meals by chef B, he is a true testament to my life knowing that FOOD IS MEDICINE!